A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

The "Poetry Sentiment Analyzer" is a user-friendly desktop application designed to analyze poems, providing insights into their emotional tone. Here's a detailed description of the program:

How to Use It:

  1. Input Poems: Open the application and enter one or more poems into the text area, separating them by empty lines.
  2. Analyze: Click the "Analyze Poems" button to initiate the analysis process.
  3. View Results: The application will perform sentiment analysis on the poems, categorizing them as negative, neutral, or positive in terms of emotional tone. It will also highlight words within the poems that contribute to this sentiment.
  4. Visual Representation: The app presents the results in a visually appealing pie chart, displaying the distribution of negative, neutral, and positive sentiment within the analyzed poems.
  5. Reset: If you wish to analyze new poems or start over, use the "Reset Text and Results" button to clear the input and analysis results.

What It Does:

  • Sentiment Analysis: The application employs the VADER sentiment analysis tool to assess the emotional tone of each poem. It calculates sentiment scores, highlighting words that contribute to the sentiment.
  • Visualization: The program generates a pie chart that visually represents the distribution of negative, neutral, and positive sentiment within the poems, offering an intuitive overview of their emotional content.

How It Works:

  • Text Input: Users input poems into a dedicated text area within the application, with each poem separated by an empty line.
  • Sentiment Analysis: The app uses the VADER SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to assess the sentiment of the poems. It calculates sentiment scores based on word polarity and intensity.
  • Highlighting: The program identifies words within the poems that contribute to sentiment and highlights them for easy identification in the output.
  • Visualization: After analysis, the app generates a pie chart using the Matplotlib library, visually representing the emotional tone of the poems.
  • User Interaction: The user can reset the input and results as needed, making it convenient to analyze new poems.

In summary, the "Poetry Sentiment Analyzer" is a user-friendly desktop application that simplifies the analysis of poems, providing both textual and visual feedback on their emotional tone. It's a valuable tool for anyone interested in exploring the sentiment within poetic works.


PoetryAnalyzer.py 3 kB

Install instructions

Downloading and Running the Poetry Sentiment Analyzer

  1. Download Python (if not already installed):
    • If you don't have Python installed on your computer, you can download it from the official website: Python Downloads. Make sure to install Python 3.x.
  2. Download the Application Files:
    • Go to the location where you want to store the application files.
    • Download the Python script for the Poetry Sentiment Analyzer and save it with a ".py" extension. You can copy the code from a Python script editor and save it as "poetry_sentiment_analyzer.py".
  3. Install Required Libraries:
    • Open your command prompt or terminal.
    • Navigate to the directory where you saved "poetry_sentiment_analyzer.py."
    • Run the following command to install the necessary libraries:
      pip install vaderSentiment matplotlib 
  4. Run the Application:
    • In the command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where you saved "poetry_sentiment_analyzer.py."
    • Run the following command to start the application:
      python poetry_sentiment_analyzer.py 
  5. Using the Application:
    • The Poetry Sentiment Analyzer application window will open.
    • Enter one or more poems into the text area, separating them by empty lines.
    • Click the "Analyze Poems" button to initiate the analysis process.
    • The application will display the emotional tone of the poems, highlighting words contributing to the sentiment.
    • A pie chart will visualize the distribution of negative, neutral, and positive sentiment.
    • To start over or analyze new poems, click the "Reset Text and Results" button.

You have now successfully downloaded, installed, and run the "Poetry Sentiment Analyzer" Python desktop application. Enjoy analyzing poems and exploring their emotional tones!

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